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꿀팁영상!미국 애머밀로&캐들락랜치?역사적관광길,루트66!유명한 무료 아트, 인스타 인증 남기기, Enjoy Trip Cadillac Ranch, Amarillo TX USA!

by 러블리 랠리 2022. 7. 24.


애머릴로는 스페인어로 노란색이라는 뜻입니다. 미국 텍사스주 팬핸들에 있는 14번째 도시입니다. 텍사스에 서북부에 있는 고원지대에 위치하며, 미국의 밀, 가축 방목, 농축산물의 집합지입니다. 한때 미국에서 가장 생산적인 헬률분야로 "세계 헬륨 수도"였습니다.

미국에서 가장 큰 육류 포장 공장 하나를 운영하고 있습니다. 핵무기 조립 해체 시설이 있고  "폭탄 도시"라는 별명을 갖고 있습니다.미국 고속도로 66번 이 이 도시를 통과하고 있습니다. 조지 스테이트의 컨트리 가수 노래 "애머릴로 바이 모닝이"매우 유명합니다.

이번 영상에서는 미국 유명 관광길, 루트 66에 있는 '애머밀로과 캐들락랜치'에 대해 알려드릴게요. ♪♬

캐들락랜치는 1974년 아트그룹이 캐를락 자동차 10대를  반매장하여 차 뒷모습의 변천사를 보여준다고 합니다. 원래 밀밭에 있었지만 2마일 떨어지 목초지로 옮겨 졌습니다.관광객이 차량에 낙서하거나 스프레이 페인트를 하는 것을 장려하고 있습니다. 스트레이 페인트를 가져가세요. 직접 페인트를 하니 아주 재미있습니다.

즐거운 텍사스 루트 66 애머릴로와 캐들락랜치 7월 초에 남편과 다녀온 아주 재미난 여행  영상이었습니다.영상으로 즐겁게 만나세요.

여행 좋아하시고, 가까이 사시는 분들은 다음에 한번 꼭 들러 보세요. 즐거운 미국 로드트립 유명지역 영상으로 만나시고, 즐거운 랜선 여행 되세요.

요즘 미국은 매우 더운데 다음에 또 만나요. ♥여행 영상이 마음에 드시면 구독과 좋아요. 부탁드립니다. 감사합니다.

Enjoy Trip Cadillac Ranch,Amarillo TX!American Amarillo & Cadillac Ranch? In this video, I will show you about Amarillo and Cadillac Ranch on Route 66, an American tourist route. Amarillo means yellow in spanish.


It is the 14th city in Panhandle, Texas, United States. Located in the highlands northwest of Texas, America's wheat, livestock grazing, and livestock aggregation. It was once "the world's helium capital" as America's most productive helium sector. Operates one of the largest meat packaging factories in the country.


It has a nuclear weapons disassembly facility and is nicknamed "The Bomb City."US Highway 66 runs through this city. Cadillac Ranch is said to show the evolution of the back of the car when the Art Group semi-buried 10 Cadillac cars in 1974. It was originally located in a wheat field, but was moved to a pasture 2 miles away. You are encouraged. Bring your stray paint. It's fun. It was a fun Texas Route 66 trip to Amarillo and Cadillac Ranch.


So, I recommend places to visit and record them on video. Be sure to stop by next time. Enjoy the famous American road trip video, and have a nice LAN trip. It's very hot in America, so see you next time. If you like the video, please subscribe and like. please, thank you.

